Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Addy's birthday party

Addy turned 4 this March and since a lot of the Bible translation teams were still in Vila from recent  conferences and the SIL-VBT 30th anniversary, many of those kids were able to come to the party as well.  Addy celebrated turning 4 with Alex, whose family works on an island way up in the north.  The girls from another of the families spent hours making a pinata for the event.  Nothing like whacking a helpless little lamb until it breaks apart and sprays candy out, ya?!  :)
 Alex having a go at the pinata.
 Jesiah's turn. 
 All the older kids succeeded in knocking out candy and the honor of demolishing the remainder of the pinata went to Ross the boss.  :)
Poor Gweny had a fever so didn't feel well enough to do games and pinata, but did hang out for present-opening.  In the background are Alex's parents, Danielle and Michael.  They've since gone back to their island, Mota Lava, to continue work on their Bible translation project.

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