Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A bit of fun

My aim is to have regular sleep-overs with my nieces and nephew.  I'm not sure these times have been as regular as I'd (or they'd for that matter) like, but we've had a few fun times.  Tide's been out around noon lately so our recent hang-outs have involved searching for and playing with hermit crabs in a rocky area that's exposed at low-tide.  It's just a 1/2 hour or so walk to get to this area from my house and I've enjoyed exploring with them there.  Funny, but it really does work to whistle to get them to come out of their shell to play...the hermit crabs, that is, not the kids! :)
 With Addy.
 With Jesiah
 With Gwen.  She found a snail that liked crawling across her hand.  For some reason when she asked me, I declined the pleasure of having him crawling across mine...
For Gretchen's birthday I treated her out to a touristy restaurant - mmmm delicious!
Our friend Alana from Australia was here visiting for a few days and we got to hang out with her for an evening.  How nice to get to catch up and fellowship with her again!  You may remember that she and her husband David (Lumpy) were praying about and considering ministering in Vanuatu through logistics a few years ago.  However, God led them to be involved in an Aboriginal community in northern Australia and they seem to be very effective in their work and ministry there!

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