Thursday, May 5, 2016

Work team

A week or so before we left for the US, we had 3 friends come and help us with work projects on our house.  All three are from our main sending church in the US, Grace Bible Church.  Scott and Jenette had been out to help us initially with house-building several years ago, and came back for more sweating and hard work.  :)  Matt came for the first time and with his electrical specialty, was able to help us with some random electrical projects.  In their week on the island, they painted the entire house, made cyclone shutters, and helped with some inside painting projects; relocating my ceiling fan, and fixing some lights and electronics. 

 Jenette and Scott on the boat coming to our village.
 Fixing my ceiling fan.
 Matt soldering some electrical pieces together.
 Scott even cleaned all our ceiling fans!
Installing the new cyclone shutters.

We are so grateful to these guys for their generosity with time and money to come help us out!  And they even came in the hottest time of the year!  Getting help with practical things is a huge blessing and we are so thankful for everyone who has poured time into our ministry in these ways.

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