Wednesday, November 13, 2019

59% NT drafted!

Just this month we hit a huge mile marker!  Nearly 60% of our New Testament in the Rral language of North Ambrym has been drafted.  By drafted we just mean that a first draft has been written.  This is of course a small step in a long process including exegetical checks (checking that the language says what the Greek means), edits, formatting, translating it back into either Bislama (Vanuatu's trade language) or to English so an outside consultant can check it for us, and checking for naturalness and meaning with native Rral speakers, but we are excited that we have gotten to this point.
Our team that did the last check (consultant check) on Genesis in July.

We now have the following books completely finished:  Genesis, Ruth, Esther, Jonah, about 200 other OT verses, and Mark.  Acts is nearly in this category but we are awaiting an available consultant to check it before we print it.
My screen for Acts.  On the left is the back translation in Bislama, on the right is the Rral language, left bottom is Bislama Bible, various English versions, and translation notes.

We are currently editing Exodus and Matthew.

The books we have fully drafted but not finished yet include:  Exodus, Matthew, Luke, John, Philippians, 1 Thessalonians, and James.

Praise God with us for His faithfulness to us in giving us great helpers and wisdom as we work through these books!
The bay below our house.

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