Saturday, June 8, 2013

My parents were here! Part 1

My sister, Gretchen, and I had the awesome pleasure of showing off our Ambrym home to my parents this last month.  They'd been to Vanuatu in 2010 but this was their first visit to the island we've been led to minister on and it was great to share our lives there with them.
 Family reunion on the air strip at Craig Cove (west) Ambrym.
 Getting organized to go on the boat to head up to North Ambrym.

Just a bit of a wet ride!  Fortunately my parents thought it was great getting splashed and bouncing around on the waves!  They're good sports.  :)

Climbing up from the "wharf".
Going up the hill into the village.
 Everyone around in the village shook hands with my parents upon their arrival so in a few minutes they met nearly every family.

 Lots and lots of quality grandkid time!
 My dad made this incredible book for Jesiah and spent several days reading it to him in Ambrym.  He made the cover from leather and carved it, then wrote the first few chapters of the book.  He will continue to write the book and add to it over the years.
And of course there's always quality time outside doing chores too!
 Houghton has been around our language group in the North several times, and for Gretchen's birthday, he and she went together to most of the villages.  This was my first time to see beyond just the villages in a few hours' walking distance.  My parents went with us in a rented truck to see up to the northern tip of Ambrym.
 The view from a village called Makam.
 The choice general store of the north - in Ranmuhu village.  They actually have a solar refrigerator and we bought cold pop!  Nice!
 The village on the far northern tip is the largest village in our language group.  Starting there (Olal) and going to the NE is the one other dialect of our language.  From what we can tell, the differences are smaller even than Australian English and American English dialects.  Olal village is an old Catholic mission and has a HUGE catholic church that we had a look in.
 After we'd driven a mile or so away from our village of Ranvetlam, we looked back to see Patches galloping after us.  He was not to be deterred so we hauled him into the truck.  He didn't enjoy the truck riding much so had to be restrained from jumping out and wanted to be held a bit, but I think he's adjusted now if we ever go in a truck together again...
 All the coral for our cement came from this beach. 
 Kids playing in a local (not ours) boat.

 Stopping and talking to people in villages along the way.

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