Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Celebrations and random pics

I'm only just now getting around to posting pictures from the end of 2018!  We didn't have any visitors for Christmas this year, so we celebrated on our own, but the village always has fun events as well.  With them we watched a movie (thanks to the Richards tiny projector and a white sheet), watched lots of songs with actions performed by the kids and youth, watched the kids play a few games, and ate all our meals together.  However, we always have to have our western food on our own day as well!

Some good friends gave us fun Christmas crafts so we enjoyed working on those!
 Addy found some fun minute-to-win-it games as well so we played those together.

Our cat Jojo likes to play as well...

He's a great hunter, but he makes a HUGE mess doing it! (See the rat by the toilet.)
When my parents visited, Elder Harre gave my dad a chunk of wood to take back to the US.  He had it sprayed and everything of course, and made a beautiful box out of it to give back to Elder.  

I take Kaiden for a walk every morning so the other kids can get some mom instruction for school.  He and I call these "troll flowers" like trolls and their funky hair colors in the movie.  Aren't they weird and pretty?

 Pretty sunrise on the way to the airport on West Ambrym.

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