Thursday, April 11, 2019

Our first Scripture printing!

When we were in Vila last, we were able to print and bind our very first verse-by-verse portion of the Scriptures with our completed Gospel of Mark!
Margreet and her husband Henk came from Canada to Vila to help with grounds and office projects for our group.  She assisted me with several very useful things that would have been very time consuming to do myself, not the least of which was the binding of our Gospel of Mark!

As you'll see in the video, Casey and I did the printing and collating of Mark.  This was our first time using all of these machines and is quite a process!  It took a total of nearly 40 hours of labor just to print and bind 80+ copies of our Gospel of Mark!

Thanks to Casey for putting this video together!

Our plan is to hold a workshop in June with village leaders from around the language group in order to demonstrate the features of Scripture productions (headings, illustration captions, footnotes, glossary, cross references, etc), and how to preach exegetically through Mark.  Our hope and prayer is that people come to know Jesus through His Word in their own language!  Please pray for Houghton and Casey as they prepare and for the hearts of those who will attend.

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