In 2015 Cyclone Pam came and wreaked havoc in Ambrym and even more south of us in Vila and Tanna. Since then, we've had nothing quite so major. Cyclone Harold was right up there for Vanuatu though. It was much faster moving (which was good) and started out much smaller when it hit, but it did considerable damage to Santo and northern Malakula islands, as well as the southern part of Pentecost, the island directly north of us. Our teammates, the Ellises, had the roof on their recording studio (for audio Scripture recording) torn off, and there were some other roofs damaged north of us. Fortunately for us, most of our houses were ok, but the gardens took a significant beating. By God's grace the gardens are planted and yielding fruit again.
This path prediction didn't end up coming to pass. The cyclone's eye was actually up north of us in the end. But this does show how huge these storms are.
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