Friday, January 13, 2012

Our work these days

The last few months we've spent purchasing items for Vanuatu, packing, and doing lots and lots of paperwork and admin for exporting everything overseas.  On Monday, we have what's called a "live load" of our items to the container we'll be shipping to Vanuatu.  A semi will come in the morning and we have 2 free hours to load, then when we've finished, the driver will haul all our items to Vancouver, where they ship out a few days after US customs clears everything, Lord-willing.  It has been quite a learning curve to do this but if anyone needs to ship a container overseas, let us know because we'll be experts by the time this is all done!  Please pray as there are some outstanding items to be resolved still for everything to come together.
Houghton trying out a mattress sample at Costco.
 Piles of paperwork.
 Organizing more paperwork!
 Packing the crates that will go in our container.  Hooray for Houghton and my dad for building these and making just enough so it all fits good!
 When we were inventorying everything and packing the crates, Gretchen needed warmer feet so she put on my gloves...  :)  She reported that they did the trick!


Erin said...

These are awesome.... you guys are hilarious in the midst of this. Love the gloved feet.

Laura Thulesen said...

Haha, thanks Erin. :)